Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Her name is.....

So we had a very nice funeral yesterday. I dug the little hole and Jonah asked if he should put him in there. I said "Don't touch him!!! Just tip the box." Then I instructed the neighbor boy to cover him with dirt once he was in the hole, I couldn't do it! The kids then said goodbye to Mr. Whiskers. And that was that. On the way back to the house the kids are rather quiet. Then Jonah says quietly, "Mom?" "Yes?, " I answered, waiting for some deep question about life and death. " Can I get another rat?" Oh brother.

So off to the pet store we went. Jonah found one he loved (a girl one because then she can have babies Jonah said. Yeah well I wasn't about to go into why a girl rat can't have babies without a boy rat!!!! Just keep thinking that sweetie!) So there is yet another member of the Kurtz clan...and her name is.......Princess. One guess who picked that name out. Well thankfully Jonah liked it as well so Princess it is. She's very cute. Much smaller than Mr. Whiskers though. She's brown with the cutest eyes. She's very skittish though so I'm hoping that will change as she gets used to all the chaos here.

Well I just finished exercising and I'm sitting here all sweaty so off to the shower I go!


eyes_only4him said...

oh no, not another rat..LOL

how long did mr whiskars live?..

here is too many happy years with princess:)

Mandi said...

Well they're slated to live about 2 years and he was already 2 when we got him. So he was ready.

eyes_only4him said...

i had a gueine pig a few years ago..they told me they would only live for 2 -3 years...sucker lived for 6..LOL

Felecia said...

I used to have a mouse named Albi (he was white with pink eyes). I was just around 10 when I got him and when he died 2 years later, I learned a little something about regret ("I didn't play with Albi enough!", etc.) I was more into mall bangs than I was into playing with a rodent I guess. I wonder if you'll see a greater appreciation from the kids for Princess now that they know her time is indefinate? You'll have to keep us posted on that:)

Misty said...

welcome home princess...
mr. whiskers, you shall not be forgotten...