Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Moving on

I think of myself as tough. I can handle vomit and feces with the best of them. But today I reached my limit. Matt asked me to put Mr. Whiskers in a box and set it outside so we can have a funeral later today. I tried....Really I did. I put on gloves and opened the cage door. Then I threw up! I couldn't handle it. So of course I did what anyone would do, I called my daddy!!! (He's the pastor of our church which is right behind our house so he was close by!) He came right over and put Mr. Whiskers into his coffin, a small brown box. Of course Emma had to watch the whole thing. I had to hide in my bedroom until it was over. Ugh.

I took Emma to get her pictures taken this morning. Since I had recent shots of Jonah and Molli, I figured it was her turn. I need to get Sydney in too, I have never had her picture taken by herself!! I'm an awful mom. By the time number 4 rolls around you just can't remember who has had their picture taken and who hasn't!! And I am overwhelmed every time I go there by the immense pressure to buy more. Of course the extra ones they took of Emma were so much cuter than the package one. But I stuck to my guns and just got the $6 package. It's cute. But they took this one right at the end when Emma had had enough. The background is Shrek and Donkey and Emma is cracking up. So cute....

Thanks for all the comments on my new blog. I found this guy totally by accident last night as I was browsing blogs. His designs are free and SOOO cool. I'm so cheap, I didn't want to pay for a new one! His site is www.bloggertemplatesbycaz.blogspot.com or there's a link on my sidebar. I just realized that maybe it's not a man....I don't really know. Either way the templates are awesome! Check it out!

Now I must go and clean out Mr. Whiskers cage....Sigh.


eyes_only4him said...

i am the same way, I cant touch dead things...no how..no way:)

your blog does look wonderful.

I am still wating for mine to be installed..i desginged and she did the html code for it..cost me 60 bucks, but hell its well worth it to me..LOL

Misty said...

i can't even take dead fish out, so i am with you there.... if i lived closer, i hope you know i would bring you a cassarole.

momma of 2 said...

I couldn't have done it either. I would have had made hubby do it, or all the neighbor guy. can't do it... no way.