Here we are again. A morning with no sleep. The reason? More puke. Molli came downstairs at 3 AM telling me that she couldnt' sleep. Immediately I knew why. Matt was just leaving for work so she snuggled in next to me. She told me she still couldn't sleep. So I put in Sleeping Beauty thinking that would help her fall asleep, all the while waiting for her to tell me that her stomach hurts. I got up and got a towel, just in case. In my head I'm thinking, "Great, another day of washing puke towels." Then, a light bulb goes off. My brother Noah gets all these "chucks" for medical reasons (he has CP). For those of you who don't know what they are, they're the things in the hospital that they put under you when you are having a baby, they absorb everything. Anyway, my mom had just given me a bunch for random uses. So I grabbed one of those instead of a towel. Brillant. They worked like a charm. Moments later Molli tells me she doesn't want to get sick and then proceeds to anyway. And all I had to do is throw it away. So we are DONE with towels! Bring on the chucks, appropriate name by the way :)
So here's my dilemma.... Molli is supposed to start school tomorrow. She has waited sinch March for this day. She asked me every day this summer if it was fall yet. And all week she has been crossing each day off on her little calendar. This is a quick bug. She hasn't gotten sick since 4 AM. Should I still send her to school tomorrow?? What do you guys think??
the rule of thumb is usaully 24 hours since the last vomit..if she hasnt puked since 4am..and feels better the rest of today and is able to eat..i say its ok..she should not be contgious and as long as she has no fever..i think she will be ok..
thats just my opinon anyway:)
hope you all get over this nasty bug
Isn't it a universal school policy that 24 hours be given after a bug of this kind? That being said, if you're concerned about achieving protocol, you're in the clear.
i see figured it out a bit..good for you.i am still owrking on the font thing..i will let u know what i find;)
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