Wednesday, August 17, 2005

School time

Well I've had to change my blog and make it so that only registered users can comment....I'm tired of getting random comments about the stock market!

Yesterday, I took Jonah to his school to see his new classroom and meet his teacher. He was pretty excited. We got there and there was a little girl ahead of us. The teacher greeted us and told us to look around and to pick where he would like to sit. So we did. Then she said she would be doing a quick testing with the kids. My heart sank. We've been working with Jonah over the summer, but I wasn't sure how much he would be able to do. The little girl went first. She not only named every letter correctly but knew what sound each made and a word that started with that sound. My eyes welled up with tears as I continued building houses with Jonah. "Dear Lord, please just help him not to feel stupid.."I silently prayed. I turned to him and said, "Jonah, if your teacher thinks it's a good idea, you might have to go back to Mrs. Yeck's class again." He looked up at me and said, "No, Mom. I don't want to go back to kindergarten. I want to be a first grader." Now my eyes are full of tears. I quickly sniffed them back and hugged him. Now it was his turn. He knew 10 letters and 5 sounds. He was pretty pleased with himself. Ms. Mary dismissed him and turned to me. I am now crying. She hugs me (I feel like I'm in first grade again!). "Ok," she said. "Does he need to go back? Please tell me now.." She smiles at me. "Nope, he's a first grader." She proceeded to tell me that it is so common for kids to backslide over the summer, especially between kindergarten and first grade. She told me that all of the other kids she had seen already had a hard time. (yeah except for the girl ahead of us!) She said that we would just start from where he was. And if she felt he was still struggling after the first marking period that she would get him so extra help. I left feeling so much better and having total confidence in this woman. So thank you Lord for Ms. Mary who believes in my son and will allow him to thrive and be a first grader. (She's also a great hugger!)


eyes_only4him said...

first grade is awsome..but wait till they hit second grade and start complaing about the

BTW, you can get those spam commnets from annymous too..sorry;)i hate that though..I dont get too many..but i kow folks who gets lots of them..very annoying

Mindy said...

How fragile our mother hearts are. Every success and failure seems like mine. I watch Evy on the playground and see mean kids say they don't want to play with her and I want to go punch them in there little faces. I dread the smarter kids, worry if she'll be cool enough, smart enough, confident enough...basically, everything I wasn't. May we constantly turn them to Christ and his love and acceptance (and go there for our own affirmation and comfort too!!!) you're doing a great job, Mandi. And God made Jonah just how HE intended.

kelli said...

Mandi, I have the same fears. Noah, who will be in second grade, knew how to read months before stepping foot in a first grade classroom, so I thought that was the norm. Next, comes Sam. He is going into first grade with nowhere near the same skills. However, he excels at many other things. Noah was older in first grade than Sam, plus Noah is a quick learner and just picks things up really easily. Sam isn't as quick, but he can light up a room with his personality and throw a mean pitch. Is one better than the other, NO, just different. Jonah will be great...just see. He will exceed your expectations. He will be just where he is supposed to be. (even as I type this, I still have anxiety over it's a lot easier said than done!)

By the way, I got the same stupid comment. I think that they came to mine, then to yours because mine was right after you gave your comment. I wrote to support and they said they are trying to create a way to eliminate it, but just to delete the comments for now. I don't see how they can do anything about it.