Friday, July 08, 2005


I'm addicted. There's just no getting around it. When I read Misty's blog about Rent coming out as a movie, I had mixed feelings. There was a time in my life when I declared the musical morally corrupt. However, I decided to view the trailer, just to see. I'm hooked. It's in my favorites and I watch it at least once a day. Which has caused some "intense fellowship" with my husband. Let me give you a little history.

Music is a part of my life. My parents were both theater majors in New York. So growing up there was musis everywhere. As a young girl I couldn't understand my my little friends didn't want to watch Calamity Jane or Oklahoma. It was jsut part of who we were. Then my music styles changed and adapted as I grew and I found that I loved some secular music. However, at the time, my parents forbade my brother and I to listen to secualr music. *sidenote- it seemed very hypocritical at that time to me , given their background. We have since worked through that! Anyway, when I met Matt he was a sold out believer. He didn't lsiten to anything besides CCM and some christian alternative. We struggled with this issue. And I believe it will be something that we disagree on forever. Some of the strongest believers I know listen to secular music, not exclusively, but still. There is just some music, Christian and non, that touches my soul. It gives me goosebumps. And Matt has changed somewhat, he now accpets these things about me, to some extent. He has also lost some debates on this subject. It's just hard when I want to see this movie so much even though I know the plot is morally bankrupt (what movies aren't these days??) but the music...oh the music.....

So how do I be submissive and get my own way?!?!?!?!?!


Misty said...

first of all, i agree with sandy. marriage is a union but it does not mean you must surrender your individualism...

second, i am not sure that i agree with the story of rent being morally corupt. the characters in rent are exactly the types of people who Jesus spent his time with on earth, the issues they have are real issues that tons of hurting people have, i think it is a beautiful story...

third, i have been the teenager who was not allowed to listen to secular music, i have been the young adult who rebelled and only listened to secular music. now i am me, the one who loves music.... i believe that ONLY watching christian movies or ONLY listening to christian music is putting God in a box and saying "you will only speak to me through these things." and that is hardly fair.... God has spoken to me through countless movies, books and more secular music then Christian honestly.
I would even go so far as to say that the Story or Rent has moved me/touched me.... stripped away un-necesary judgements/etc....

I can believe you are obsessed with it though, it is a beautiful preview. in fact, i am going to watch it now.

kelli said...

This is what I do when I am trying to decide to do or not do something that my husband disagrees with. it my mountain to die on? If it is something that will really hurt my it worth it? That is the first step I take.

As far as whether a movie or music or whatever is morally corrupt, here is the criteria that I often use. Is there a redeeming quality to it? Can I find something in someway that I can pull away from it and say this was a story or song of redemption? Sometimes you have to take a risk if it's something you are really interested in and see.

If the subject matter is something I will feel convicted about, I don't go.

Should we never watch a movie about homosexuality or AIDS or immoral sex? Some would argue yes...for me movies like this have caused me to wrestle a little with what I really believe. It causes me to question why I believe what I do and then to arrive at the conclusion that I believe God wants for me...not just what the church, my spouse, friends etc. have told me is the truth. I now believe what I believe because I have had a glimpse into the other side via these secular avenues and had to go to God and dig with him to come to the conclusions that I believe to be truth.

Okay, that was really long. Sorry and I hope it makes sense. I also hope it helps a little.