Wednesday, June 29, 2005

whew's over. I have relinquished the extra children to their parents and I can breath once again. I adore my nieces and nephews. But 8 at once......never again. I hugged my brother hello and sid, "I love your children but I won't ever volunteer to watch all of them again for any length of time!" He laughed. Last night my own four went to bed like angels and all was well.

God did teach me a couple of things, through the chaos. 1. "Whatever you do for the least of these....." My children and theirs need to see Jesus in me. YIKES! That's a tall order. Meaning that every word that comes out of my mouth has to be thought about before spoken. That I must convey love always. That I am not allowed to just lose my temper and have it spill all over them. Ok, Lord....2. That His mercies are new every morning....even when I was at my wits end at night, I went to sleep (albeit very late and I was so grouchy and angry), that when I woke up it was an entirely new day. And His mercies were new and fresh and waiting for me to grab onto. Thank the Lord!!

Meanwhile, it's still ungodly hot, the children are become more fish like every day in the pool, the family all arrives this weekend for a blow out party, and I get to see my brother for a whole week and a half. YEEHAW!


kelli said...

Mandi, I love your heart. Throught the difficult times, you are seeking the Lord. So often I lash out and then ask forgiveness. YOu are seeking God's heart in the midst and I think that is a lovely thing!

Misty said...

did it end up not being for as long as you origionally thought or did it go super quick for the rest of us????

Mandi said...

LOL, noI only had them alone for four days, now they are here with their parents for another week and a half.