Saturday, June 18, 2005

Oh man....

Ok I've decided that if I ever had something happen and I could no longer cheew, I would just end my life!!!! Ihate drinking food. There are very few options..I'm so tired of smoothies and ice cream and pudding and jello. Ick. I want a Whopper so bad!!! Anything I can chew would be good! My face feels puffy and, if my meds wear off, I can definetly feel it.

Just a sidenote, I love it when doctors tell me that I need to "take it easy...not do too picking up children.....LOL. Whatever, that's all I have to say about that.

We managed to go to Wal-Mart today so that's a bonus. I do feel very tired. I hate how Vicodin makes me feel loopy. A small price to pay for no pain! Thanks again for al lthe encouragement you guys! I appreciate it!


Misty said...

lol..... not funny at the time, but a slightly comical post to read.....
i too have laughed, in the past, at the doctors insistance of taking it easy.
the vicodin loopiness is definatly less then a bonus...
hang in there!

Mandi said...

Well I reread that this morning and it is slightly comical. I was told that the third day after the surgery is the worst and that's today so we'll see. What was extremely comical was wathcing me trty my hardest to gum a Krispy Kreme donut this morning!!!

Mindy said...

You poor thing. I think it's good I'm not an addict, because I have the total opposite reaction to Vicodin. I enjoy that blissful nothing feeling. :o) But I odn't enjoy drinking my diet. Hope you can find your way to a whopper soon!