Monday, January 02, 2006


Here it goes, my lists for 2005....

Best occurence: hmm, that was a tough one. Probably getting our house and getting MY OWN ROOM!!!

Best moment: Sleeping in my own room.....

Best memory: Molli's face on the first day of school

Best month: May, when I got my OWN ROOM...(are we noticing a pattern?)

Best photo: Wow, really hard....

Sydney Crazy hair wins!

Best Line: So many to choose from....Jonah wins this one though. I picked him up from school one afternoon and I was so excited becuase I had found him several pairs of pants at the Salvation Army. As he gets in the car, I told him that there was a surprise for him at home. He got really excited and said, "Is it a baby brother?????"

The one thing I'm happy to leave in 2005: My silly old van!

There it is, my bests in 2005!


eyes_only4him said...

well sounds good to me...

and what is with you and not having your own room?..I mean you let your hubby sleep ther too dont ya??


Mandi said...

LOL, yes I do. We lived with my parents for a year and we lived in their attic, so all six of us were in the same room for a year. So when we finally got our own room again, it was heaven!!!!

Melis said...

YIPPIE on everything on your list! Too funny about your quote! Not happenin' here!!! Sounds like 05 was pretty good to ya'll... I hope that 06 is even better!

kelli said...

I am pretty sure that picture cold win a photo contest