Matt's mom and dad are coming today. Now I don't know about you but on a daily basis my house is not clean. Not "dirty" just extremely messy. Well I knew they were coming today. So when Matt left for work this morning I got up and starting cleaning.
Something strange happened as I was cleaning the living room. "hmmmm", I thought to myself. "I think I'll rearrange a few pieces of furniture." Well that bloody thought snow balled and I rearranged the WHOLE room. Not only that, but I dug out the shop vac and cleaned the edges of the room, scrubbed the walls, vacuumed out the couch and dusted. Yes, I know....You're in shock. So a project that should have taken 2 hours maybe ended up taking me 7 hours.....Ugh. I HATE cleaning. But my house now looks awesome and feels clean. Matt thought maybe he had the wrong house when he came home!!!!
On a sidenote, I must say this. Mr. Clean's Magic Eraser is the most fantastic invention ever made. I'm convinced that it was made by a group of mothers. Never have I found a product that removes pen, crayon, marker..Anything from the walls, cabinets, doors, etc. It is so awesome. I even went so far today as to go to their website and left them a message thanking them for their wonderful product. So cool.
Well my cleaning is done (before you think I am superwoman you must know that my cleaning did NOT include my bedroom or the entire upstairs...We're just not granting access to those places!) I must some appropriate visiting clothes.
i have heard that magic clean earaser is awsome..everytime I see one I am going to buy one, but always forget..
good for you on the sit back and enjoy it..
btw...i love your new profile pic..u r 2 adroeable
i agree... the eraser is a miracle worker....
wow... wanna come over????
Wow! I wish I EVER got in a mood like that. I simply never happens to me. Good for you. I bet it feels great. Is it still clean now...a few days later?
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