Wednesday, November 09, 2005


It's finally happened.....I knew it would happen one day. I just wasn't prepared. I'm so careful, but it happened anyway.

I got pulled over.

I saw the lights and my whole stomach started churning. By the time I pulled over and rolled down my window, I was crying. Not just a gentle tear mind you, but full blown crying. "Matt is going to kill me!!", I'm thinking to myself as I dig for my insurance and license. I watched him get out of his squad car and walk towards us. As he walks up to the side of the car, Emma starts to cry. I turned to tell her it was ok, but of course I'm hysterical. "Ma'am do you know how fast you were going?" More tears.... "No, sir," I sob. Of course, I really didn't know, who watches their speedometer?!

Then it starts. Emma starts screaming at the top of her lungs...."I DON'T WANT TO GO TO JAIL!!!!!! I AM WEARING MY SEATBELT! PLEASE DON"T LET HIM TAKE US MOMMY!!!!!" The policeman gets very flustered by this. He leans in to reassure her that he is not going to take us anywhere. She cries harder, "NOT JAIL!" He mumbled some things under his breath and sent me on my way with a warning....Wonderful policeman. Emma finally calmed down as she watched him drive away, now secure in the fact that she would not be going to jail today.

My husband was furious :)


eyes_only4him said...

so how fast were you going?..LOL

I have been pulled over once..he was sp good looking I didnt even care. I had a bunred out tail light and didnt know it. I was driving home form work at about 8pm. It was dark, he said he was going to follow me home to make sure I was not rear ended..LOL...did I mention he was hot:)

Misty said...

so wait... i thought it was for your tags.... were you pulled over again??
poor emma....
that would be me... (me who does watch my speedometer... :))

Mandi said...

Misty- same time...I was speeding, then he noticed my tags :)

Angie-Matt was furious that I got out of a ticket by crying :)

Felecia said...

So what you're saying is that Matt is jealous . . . not furious! hardy har har:)

Good job! You're tears have once again proven that women may need help in changing a tire, but ticket? We got 'em covered!

Anonymous said...

When it comes to police officers and speeding tickets, girls rule and boys drool! LOL

Mindy said...

I say you owe it all to Emma. Now if you can just help her keep that up you should be set for a few more years. :o)

kelli said...

Your poor daughter. Isn't that what all kids think? That you are going to go to jail. Too Funny!

By the way, cause I am too lazy to take the time to go there. I liked your list of random things. I did it and put it on my blog too.