Thursday, May 19, 2005


There is light at the end of the tunnel. A million thanks to my sister-in-law Kim who came for a day and a half and was such a HUGE help to me in my hour of need! We hauled all the bed, set them up, and made them. Quite a feat for one afternoon! We also attacked the attic and got quite a bit done. She also went and helped me clean at church. Kim, you are my hero!!!

On a side note, my teeth have gotten out of control. I have not been to the dentist in over 8 years. Before you scold me you have to know that we have not had dental insurnce so paying $150.00 to have my teeth cleaned just could not happen. So over the last week, the right side of my mouth has been bothering me. Finally, in the last two days it has gone from bad to excrutiating. Yesterday, I couldn't not chew on that side. It throbs constantly. It keeps me awake most of the night because Tylenol just doesn't help. So I finally called the dentist this morning. God is good because our benefits kicked in last week. So it was covered. Come to find out my far right wisdom tooth is so decayed that it's all the way down to the nerve! Yeah, ouch. The dentist said, "Do you want me to take it out right now?" Of course, I panicked. Then she said, "Well let me check your other wisdom teeth." Sure enough, they were all bad. So now I must go and have oral surgery to have them all removed. Yeah, because I have so much free time. They put me on Darveset which I hate because it makes me so foggy. But I don't really have a choice because the pain is so bad! Curse teeth....why did God think we needed them anyway????

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