Friday, February 11, 2005


I am in the attic, folding laundry on the bed. Molli and Emma are dressing up and going to the ball. Sydney is wandering, chewing on most everything. The next thing I know, Sydeny is on the bed in the midst of all the laundry. How did she get up here, I wonder. I walk around the bed, looking for something that she could have climbed onto to get onto the bed. There is nothing. Must have been a fluke, I think to myself. So I place her back on the floor and continue on. I look up a few moments later and she is on the computer chair. By this point, I am very confused. So I ask Molli if she put Sydney on the chair. She says no. I get Syd down once again and pretend like I'm folding laundry. Instead I watch her. She circles the computer chair, looking up at it and then proceeds to scale the chair. Remember now that she is 11 months old!!!! I swear she is Spiderbaby, I've never seen anything like it! So now we have one more thning to watch for!

1 comment:

Mindy said...

maybe she really has little fairy wings. :o) ....It could happen....