Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Who knew you could be so tired from a day of doing nothing??

My day started out so typical, Sydney crying next to my bed at 6AM...the girls sleeping in my bed already. So i crawled out of bed to start the day. As I was on the phone with my girlfriend, I had to pee. (Now don't tell me that none of you have friends that you haven't used the bathroom while on the phone with them!) As I was finishing, I noticed some blood. I tried not to panic and checked again and there was more. I casually mention this to my friend who orders me to call the doctor. I hemmed and hawed and then agreed. So I call, and they order me to go to Labor and Delivery. Ugh. So I scramble around, organize my kids, try and call Matt, and drop kids off at the aforementioned girlfriend's house. (by the way Mindy, you are my hero!) I head into L&D. Then I sit there for the next 12 hours as they check and re-check me, tell me I am contracting regularly and I am dialated. Then nothing. I pulled up to the house at 8 PM, after leaving it at 9 AM this morning. What a day. And I can only imagine that Thomas is in there, chuckling to himself at getting his mother all riled up for nothing. Punk kid.


Mindy said...

not getting you riled up...he'll be your peace-keeper. He was just trying to give you some much-needed "alone time" :o)

True_Floridian Momma said...

oh yes, the peeing thing, totally me, just with my close friends though...how stupid is that?? LOL

So glad that everything was ok though.....anxiously waiting here in Florida for his first pictures after he's born!

Misty said...

oh man... when i have to go, i have to go... i don't care if it's a best friend or an office receptionist on the phone... (although i do refrain from flushing until i hang up, if it's someone proffesional...)

well, Glad your boy has a little more time nestled inside of you... I loved Mindy's response :)

eyes_only4him said...

them babies have minds of thier own Mandi:)

cant wait till we meet him though..

Cliff said...

Punk kid indeed. This will doubtless lead to waiting too long to get to the hospital when it finally is time. The son of ours who just got married was named Thomas. I hope your life together will be as rewarding as ours has been with our Tom, Tommy, Tommy Boy, or Thomas.

Felecia said...

Man oh man - he already reminds me of my oldest.

"Mom! There's a spider on your shoulder!"


Punk kid, indeed:)