Saturday, March 05, 2005

So where is the justice when your baby girl has to miss her own first birthday because she is sick?? No cake smashing, no first presents, no nothing. I know she doesn't know that it was her birthday, but I know and somehow that matter to me. We always celebrated our birthdays on the actual day, not the weekend after, what fun is that? Anyone else agree?


Mindy said...

I say you can have a Sydney's birthday "observed" Like when the day falls on a weekend but everyone wants off work so the day is "observed" on a different day? Or the Canadian Thanksgiving...
Birthday Observed.

Mindy said...

Hey! you figured out how to do links! Great! I was trying to figure out how to email you directions, but it wasn't coming out well on "paper". Glad you figured it out!

Mandi said...

I should have asked if I could add you to mine, I was just so thrilled about figuring it out, I didn't think about that ok????