Friday, March 25, 2005

The Easter bunny

It is somewhat disturbing to me in our day and time that Easter is no longer sacred. On Wednesday night I looked out over the 30 kids that I work with, all excited about sharing the story of Jesus rising from the dead. It's one of the most significant things in a believer's life!!!!! I asked a simnple question, "Who can tell me what Sunday is?" A little girl answered, "Easter, teacher." * happy sigh* (the warm fuzzies are coming on....) "Ok, good. And who can tell me what happened on Easter?" (Preparing myself for the wonderful, spiritual answer.....) * another happy sigh* "Why, the Easter bunny brought Jesus candy, teacher!" (earth shattering silence as all the other teachers look at me, waiting to see how I will respond to said answer...) "Well.......let's back up....." So we went back through Good Friday and why Jesus had to die and how He rose from the dead (music swelling...) so that He could conquer was awesome. We've had three kids accept the Lord in the last three months nad as I looked out over the faces who were watching me with (mostly) rapt atttention, I noticed one little girl. She acccepted the Lord last Wednesday night. She came to church for the first time on a Sunday last week. When I hugged her and told her that I was surprised to see her, she replied, "Well I asked Jesus into my heart and the bible says you need to go to church, so here I am." Ah, to have a child's simple grasp of Jesus!!!!! Anyway, back to Wednesday, I looked out and spotted her. Her eyes were brimming with tears and I knew she understood exactly what I was talking about. Praise the Lord for even this one girl who will see Easter through entirely new eyes!!!


Mindy said...

The wonderful simplicity of a child's Easter. I too, am wondering about the intertwining of good 'ol Peter Cotton Tail and the ressurection. Have you heard of "ressurection eggs"? they're put out by Familylife. Evy and I have been doing them for 2 years now. It's got the fun of those great hollow plastic easter eggs, with the symbolism and story of Jesus. It's really fun.


Mandi said...

I totally do you pronounce that word???