Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Life is moving on....the girls are at camp this week and loving it! I am loving the break in the constant fighting....aaahhh! Jonah is loving football, he's going to be a defensive man I'm sure!!! Pictures to come, if I can take some without humiliating him!

Today, as I was driving the girls to camp, we came to stop light in town. AS we waited for the light to turn green, a truck pulled up next to our van. I glanced over and was HORRIFIED to see a graphic picture of an aborted baby. It sucked my breath away. As I was trying to regroup, the truck turned and there were about 20 people all holding signs with various GRAPHIC pictures of aborted babies, protesting abortion. I starting yelling at the kids to quick close their eyes, but of course they all got glimpses before they got their eyes closed. So after we were through the intersection and they were allowed to open their eyes again, they began with the questions..."Mom, what WAS that??" Into the conversation of abortion we went. The girls were horrified that such a thing was possible. Emma's eyes filled with tears as she asked, "Mom why would someone kill their baby?" AHHHHHHH! We talked about it for a little while longer as I was trying to tell them that, while we don't think abortion is ok, that God loves people who have them. Now those images are burned into their little brains and I am upset that they saw those things. I understand that those people want people to know that abortion is wrong, but isn't' there a line of appropriateness???? My young children should NOT have seen those images. Am I in left field about this, or do you think that what happened was WRONG????


Anonymous said...

It is unfortunate that our kids have to see things like that. It sounds like you handled it well. Took the opportunity to teach your kids what you believe but that we are all loved my God. Props to you for that!!!

I hardly want to take my kids to the mall for fear we would walk in front of a Victoria's Secret.

Misty said...

it's that whole fence debacle. Someone has the best of intentions, protesting abortion but then they become so passionate about it that their methods become violent (clinic bombings/shootings and hurling things at girls walking into the clinics) and graphic (unfortunately the new methods of protesting).

Can you imagine the things that the children- belonging to the people holding the signs- witness? The things that are a common part of their every day childhood? The pictures... the discussion. God forbid, the video...