Saturday, July 22, 2006

Yet another ode.....

A few months back we had to say goodbye to Bob....our beloved kitty. It was awful for me, I cried for days. (of course being pregnant had nothing to do with it) So we just had Larry. He was never the same. We went on vacation and came home and he was sick. We just decided to watch him and see what happened. Then we got Nemo thinking he would help Larry pull out of his depression. It seemed to help at first, but then he just got worse. Finally, yesterday I coulnd't take it anymore. Off we went to the vet. It turns out that Larry had Feline Leukemia for which there is no cure and he was dying. So once again, I ushered the kids in to kiss Larry goodbye and we all watched as they carried our other precious kitty away. We brought him home and buried him next to his brother. So now Nemo is alone and I am so sad. I realize that we didn't kill Larry or Bob as they were, most likely, born with this disease. But it sure makes me feel like a bad pet owner when we've buried two cats in 4 months!

So here is my ode to Larry....we will miss you...


kelli said...

Have you had your new cat checked for it? It's highly contagious.

kelli said...

Also, you aren't changing the litter box are you?

Felecia said...

Poor wittle kitty's; I would take Kelli's advice and get little Nemo checked over too.

Mandi said...

Kelli - We talked to the vet about that yesterday. Nemo is only 7 weeks old and he can't get vaccinated or even tested for it till 10 weeks so as soon as he's old enough, we'll be taking him in. I'm praying so hard that he is ok, I'm not sure I can bury another pet. And no, I gladly handed over the cat litter changing to Matt as soon as I discovered I was pregnant :)

Felecia - Yeah for sad :)

kelli said...

Oh, good. I hope Nemo doesn't have it too! I wonder if there is anything you can do to try to remove anything contaminated already by it...if it would make a difference. Like pet dishes or bedding or something.

Misty said...

oh mandi, i am so sorry! how horrible! poor thing, gosh, you guys have really been through it! hopefully Nemo is in the clear...

eyes_only4him said...

man, your having no luck in the kitty dept are you?..that is too bad...were they vacinated?

i have not been able to come here for 3 days, i kept getting a box pop up telling me there was a virus here..its gone now..but it was weird.

well here is too Nemo staying out of a box and living a long life..